Booking for Fall Projects

11 Website Mistakes That Are Hurting Your Small Business

When it comes to websites, most small businesses focus on the obvious elements like design, user interface, and compelling copy. But there are many behind-the-scenes technical factors that often get overlooked – and ignoring them can seriously impact your site’s performance.

In this post, we’ll dive into 11 common website mistakes and how to fix them. While some tips are specific to WordPress, many apply to other platforms like Squarespace and Wix too.

11 Website Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Choosing the wrong hosting provider. A quality host is crucial for site speed, security, and customer support. Look for providers with proven track records, like SiteGround or WP Engine.
  2. Failing to take backups. Ensure your host takes regular backups, and consider using a plugin like UpdraftPlus for extra peace of mind. Aim to store at least 60-90 days of backups.
  3. Letting your domain expire. Set up auto-renewal so you don’t risk losing your domain (and website) to squatters or scammers.
  4. Not redirecting old URLs. Use a plugin like Redirection to point removed pages to relevant new URLs. This preserves SEO and user experience.
  5. Allowing your site to be hidden from search engines. In WordPress, ensure the “discourage search engines” option is turned OFF under Settings > Reading.
  6. Deleting users without reassigning their content. Always attribute posts to another user before removing an old user account to avoid losing content.
  7. Leaving demo content published. Remove or replace all placeholder text, images, and links before launching your site.
  8. Using unoptimized images. Large image files slow down your site. Use a tool like TinyPNG to compress images before uploading.
  9. Installing too many plugins. Limit plugins to essential functions to minimize security risks and site bloat.
  10. Not updating plugins & themes. Keep your site software up-to-date to patch vulnerabilities and ensure smooth performance.
  11. Skipping analytics. Installing tracking code is critical for understanding your visitors. Consider privacy-focused options like Fathom if you want to avoid Google Analytics.


While not as flashy as design, these technical elements have a huge impact on your website’s success. By avoiding these 11 common mistakes, you’ll set your site up to impress visitors and support your business goals. When in doubt, consult with a professional web developer to audit your site and keep it in top shape.


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hey there! I'm JennyB!
Photo of Jenny standing. Behind her is a table with a plant and a book, and an open shelf.

Let’s build a website you’re obsessed with and book more clients.


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Website Design Made Simple Podcast

Tune in each week for simple website design and optimization tips that will help you make your website work better for you. In each episode, you will discover actionable steps to create your money making website, grow your online presence and scale your business…because you shouldn’t have to work more to earn more in your business.

Photo of Jenny standing. Behind her is a table with a plant and a book, and an open shelf.

Meet Jenny

Founder + Creative Director — Boston Web Design

Hi, I’m Jenny! Web Designer, list maker, mother, and believer that you don’t have to work more to earn more in your business.

Your website is poised to do some serious heavy lifting – so why not let it? With the right design, content, and strategy, it works round the clock to convert qualified leads.

I strive to be a true partner to my clients. Your success is my success!

I know I’ve done my job well when a client doesn’t just say, “Wow, this is great!” – I want to hear “Wow, I can’t believe how great this is.”

And THAT’s the difference between a website that does the job and my signature Money-Making Websites.

Are you ready to show up in a big way? I know I’m ready to show up for you.

Ready for a stress-free beautiful website that converts and sells?


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