Website care plan

Your website is your company's most valuable online asset.

Make sure you are protecting it with a website care package.

Our monthly website care plans give your website the support it needs to stay safe from cyber threats and achieve optimal performance level so you can focus on what you do best.

No contracts, pay monthly, and just give us a 30 day notice to cancel, no termination fee

Protect Plan

Peace of Mind
per website per month
Partner Plan
Prepare for Growth
per website per month

Care Plan Overview


Are there any setup fees or cancellation fees?

There are no termination fees, just a 30 day notice is required.

If we are building or redesigning your site; there is no setup fee if you are joining our care program immediately after the complimentary 30 days of care post launch.

If it’s been more than three months since we built your site or if you have made changes to the site since we built it within those three months, there is a $199 setup fee.

You wan to protect the investment you just made.

If you decide to decline our care plan, there’s a lot that can go wrong. Here is why a care plan is so important:

  • The site will not be optimized which leads to poor performance and a gradual loss of SEO rankings.
  • The site’s tools, plugins, themes and WordPress itself will quickly go out of date which is the #1 leading cause of website hacks. It’s critical to keep all your website tools and plugins up-to-date.
  • MOST IMPORTANT: You’ll have no backups or restore points so if the site get hacked or breached, you could lose all your content, pages and Google ranking.
If your site should get compromised while you’re on the plan – we’ll take care of cleaning the site and getting everything back functioning as before.
We can take care of getting the site cleaned for an initial cleanup fee of $400 then we can immediately get your site on our monthly plan to make sure it remains clean and protected form hacks.


Receive 3 PERSONALIZED recommendations you can implement TODAY on your website to see more conversions.