BTS of my automations using Zapier!

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Curious a out the world of automations and want to learn how to streamline your workflows? I’m all about systems and processses and finding ways to save time and boost efficiency is my jam. That’s where Zapier comes in!

In this blog post, I’ll share with you the various ways I use Zapier in my own business and how it has changed the way I work.

What is Zapier?

Before we jump into the zaps, let’s take a moment to understand what Zapier is all about. Zapier is a web automation tool that connects different apps and services, allowing you to create seamless workflows without any coding knowledge. It’s like having a virtual assistant that works tirelessly behind the scenes, making your life easier!

Zapier operates using “Zaps” – automated workflows that consist of triggers and actions. When a specific event (trigger) occurs in one app, Zapier automatically performs a corresponding action in another app.

My Go-To Zaps for Small Business Automation

Now, let’s chat specifics and I’ll share the Zaps I use to automate various aspects of my biz

1. Notion Integration.

As a Notion enthusiast, I love using Zapier to seamlessly connect my email with my Notion workspace. Whenever I receive an email containing a work task, I simply forward it to a specific Zapier email address, and voila! The information is automatically added to the appropriate Notion database and is now on my to-do list keeping me out of my emails.

2. Stripe Payment Notifications.

Keeping track of payments is so important for any business, but Stripe’s lack of native notifications can be a problem. With Zapier, I’ve set up an integration that sends me an email whenever a payment is processed through Stripe. Whether it’s a one-time fee or a recurring subscription, I stay informed about my cash flow effortlessly.

3. Eventbrite Attendee Management 🎟️

Organizing events is no problem with Zapier and Eventbrite. Whenever someone registers for one of my events through Eventbrite, Zapier automatically adds their email to my ConvertKit account and tags them as an attendee. This way, I can easily follow up with event participants and keep them engaged with my email marketing efforts.

4. Emergency Text Messages

As a business owner, disconnecting from work can be challenging, but it’s essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. With Zapier, I’ve created an “Emergency Text Message” Zap that allows me to unplug from my inbox while still being reachable in case of urgent matters. If someone sends an email with the word “emergency” in the subject line, Zapier instantly notifies me via text message.

5. Testimonial Integration

Collecting and showcasing client testimonials is a powerful way to build trust and credibility. I use Zapier to streamline this process by connecting my Google Forms feedback form with Notion. Whenever a client submits a testimonial, Zapier creates a new task in Notion, reminding me to update my website with the fresh feedback. It even includes a link to my Canva template for creating testimonial graphics!

6. Content Repurposing Magic ✨

One of my favorite Zapier workflows involves content repurposing. After recording a podcast episode, I drop the transcript into an Airtable base and tag it for repurposing. Zapier then works its magic by sending the transcript to ChatGPT which generates summaries, social media captions, newsletter outlines, and even a first draft of a blog post.

7. YouTube Video Promotion

During my brief stint on YouTube, I utilized Zapier to automate video promotion. Whenever I published a new video, Zapier would send an email to my close friends and family, inviting them to watch and support my content. It also automatically created posts on my Facebook page and Google Business profile, maximizing my video’s visibility across different platforms.

8. Client Onboarding Automation

Onboarding new clients is an exciting process, but it involves a lot of repetitive tasks. With Zapier and HoneyBook, I’ve automated the entire onboarding workflow. As soon as a client signs the contract and pays the deposit, Zapier creates a dedicated folder structure in Google Drive, sets up a client portal, and even generates customized templates for website copy. All I have to do is personalize my welcome message and send a thoughtful gift! One of the pieces of the onboarding process that brings me immense joy!

9. Project Wrap-Up and Content Creation

When a project is complete, I document a summary in an Airtable base. With the click of a button, Zapier sends the summary to my AI assistant, which generates a first draft of a blog post, an Instagram caption, and a LinkedIn post about the project. While AI-generated content always needs a human touch, it provides a solid starting point and saves me hours of writing time.


I hope this blog post has given you a glimpse into the endless possibilities that Zapier offers for streamlining your biz operations. From lead generation and client onboarding to content repurposing and social media management, Zapier has become an indispensable tool in my business.


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Website Design Made Simple Podcast

Tune in each week for simple website design and optimization tips that will help you make your website work better for you. In each episode, you will discover actionable steps to create your money making website, grow your online presence and scale your business…because you shouldn’t have to work more to earn more in your business.

Photo of Jenny standing. Behind her is a table with a plant and a book, and an open shelf.

Meet Jenny

Founder + Creative Director — Boston Web Design

Hi, I’m Jenny! Web Designer, list maker, mother, and believer that you don’t have to work more to earn more in your business.

Your website is poised to do some serious heavy lifting – so why not let it? With the right design, content, and strategy, it works round the clock to convert qualified leads.

I strive to be a true partner to my clients. Your success is my success!

I know I’ve done my job well when a client doesn’t just say, “Wow, this is great!” – I want to hear “Wow, I can’t believe how great this is.”

And THAT’s the difference between a website that does the job and my signature Money-Making Websites.

Are you ready to show up in a big way? I know I’m ready to show up for you.

Ready for a stress-free beautiful website that converts and sells?


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